Tango_Inside [2]:

Painting tango



The goal of this project was to become deeply immersed in what tango dancers experience. First, there are the movements. Two bodies closely connected, moving along the floor at various speeds and rhythms. The physical experience involving the contraction and elongation of the muscles used in the embrace and the sequences of steps performed jointly with and around the partner...

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The moving picture – and the still picture

The obvious choice when trying to capture the bodily movements of a dance is to make a video. Yet you obtain only the movement of something, not the movements themselves.
In an effort to capture the essence of the movements, an experiment was conducted comprising 150 still photographs...

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Tango art

Movement and energy in handmade pictures

The dancers’ movements can viewed as energies that propel the circulation of the bodies around each other and that advance them in a line. Just as the tango dancers represent the use of muscles, the handmade pictures are the result of the painter’s body, hands and fingers moving. Paint is rubbed on...

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Six paintings

The final paintings were completed while the painter listened to tango melodies by famous orchestras such as Di Sarli, Fresedo, Canaro, Orquesta Tipica Victor and Calo.
The titles of the tango melodies were used as visual markers on the canvas to guide the feeling of the movements and energies in the melodies and in the paintings.

See the six paintings…